Animal Healing and Communication

When we can truly acknowledge and respect the spirit of our animal companions something beautiful and very moving happens. I am both humbled and privileged every time I stand soul to soul with an animal.

From childhood, I’ve had a deep connection with animals and I’ve always been able to pick up on emotions of both people and animals. Over the years this skill has developed and I can sense areas of discomfort, pain or injury in an animal. I can also sense the reasons for emotional distress and problematic behaviour.

Animals, like humans, have an energetic body. It is through this energy body that I can offer healing and pick up on feelings and emotions. My work with animals is to offer them energetic healing and to express any insights gained through this work. These insights can be very valuable to the carer of the animal. I do not ‘read’ your animal – I tune-in to their response to either healing offered or questions you ask. A session is an interactive process between you and your animal. The purpose of my work with animals is not to simply communicate with them….. it is a healing relationship.

Using animal healing and animal communication helps us to:

  • Gain greater understanding of our animal companion
  • Learn from the wisdom of your animal……. they know us so well!
  • Address problematic behaviours and emotional distress
  • Identify areas of injury, discomfort or pain
  • Build a strong relationship
  • Improve teamwork with competing animals
  • Ask any questions and invite the animal to share their perspective
  • Assist the healing of injuries or illnesses. Energy healing speeds up the healing process
  • Become more aware of the spirit and soul aspect of your animal

How a sessions works……….

I connect with your animal……. usually, but not always, by making a physical connection with them. I will not rush into their space and may even work from outside their stable/crate/bed. It is crucial that I respect the animal’s wishes. I will check them over physically and see if they are showing any areas of discomfort. I will also get a sense of their general demeanour and if they have anything pressing to share. I always work with both you and your animal and ask that you stay for the session. That way I can give you instant feedback and you can clarify information and ask questions. I can sense your animal’s response to questions you ask and information you share. I will spend time with your animal offering energetic healing and ‘listening’ to their responses. Your animal will usually be very relaxed during and following a session. It is best that they are allowed time to relax/snooze after the session and that they are not asked to work. It is also important that you listen to what they have to say! A session builds trust and strengthens the bond between animal and carer.

Animals are very connected with their carers. So it is not unusual for the animal to give me insights into their ‘person’. Please don’t be threatened by this but see it as an opportunity to work with the wisdom of the animal kingdom. I am very familiar with working with people in a therapeutic and healing way and by working with your animal you may also gain insights, balance, and perspective. I only mention this as it often arises during a session.

An in person session lasts approximately 30 minutes and costs 50 euros.

Distant Session

It is possible to work with your animal distantly in situations when I can’t physically get to see them. I connect with your animal through a photograph and I ask any questions you have given. It is also possible to offer healing distantly. All of this is possible as we live in a universe of energy…… and once we can ‘tap into’ this energy field we can link to another being.

Intuitive healing/communication should not be used as a substitute for veterinary care and attention. If you have any concerns about an animal’s health or well-being you should contact a vet.

Moya works with animals throughout Ireland. The largest part of her work is with horses, but she also works with dogs, cats and any other creature that needs assistance.

A distant healing session costs 50.00 euro. (This includes follow-up feedback generated from the initial session)

Please do not pay for a distant healing session before checking Moya’s availability to book a session.